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About Mele Nai'a Spa
Mele Nai'a プロフィール
Nai'a Spa では、そんなイルカやクジラ達のMele(歌、祈り)を聞きながら、“手のひらから伝わる愛”という意味を持つ“ロミロミ”を使ってお身体と心のトリートメントを行っていきます
オーナー Mele Nai'a
When I had a chance to swim with dolphins(Nai'a) in the ocean at the first time, their voice wrapped around me and something changed in myself. The feeling never changes every time I swim with them and heals me.
Mele Nai'a Spa uses "Lomi Lomi" (love coming through the palm of the hands) to do physical and mental treatments with Mele(music, pray) of dolphins and whales.